Jo at Woody’s Dog Training provides One-to-One Training Sessions tailored to your needs. Woody’s Dog Training is proud to be Vet Recommended. 

Jo is offering training sessions from her large, secure garden where you can let your dog relax while we discuss your needs.  Alternatively, home-visits and sessions via Zoom are also available.  This can be a one-off session lasting up to two hours, or it can be several sessions depending on the issues presented.  Jo will then make a personalised training plan for you and your dog.

Further sessions can also be continued out walking or in a secure field if this is the best option for you and your dog.

£90 for an initial in-depth 2hr session, including a detailed written session-summary and other helpful information.

Further sessions cost: £45 ~ 1hr           £60 ~ 1.5hrs           £75 ~ 2hrs

Please enquire for concessions or if you have any questions whatsoever.

Puppy Training

It’s much easier to train-in good habits than to un-train bad ones, so by starting your puppy training at an early stage it puts you both at a huge advantage for the rest of your lives together (not to mention making the roller-coaster that is adolescence more manageable!)

With easy-to-follow guidelines, Jo can help you to achieve the right start as you welcome a new family member into your home.  She will set you on your way with everything you need including proper socialisation, foundations for recall and loose-lead-walking.

You will also cover common issues such as mouthing, jumping-up and anything that is important to you.  Jo will teach you about how dogs learn so that you can cultivate desirable behaviours and learn how to avoid less desirable ones.

£80 for an initial in-depth 2hr session, including your comprehensive puppy training guidelines and other helpful info.

Follow-up sessions are priced as above.

Please note that puppy training sessions and puppy packages are for dogs aged under six months.


A combination of four fun 1.5hr sessions to make the most of the first six months with your pup.

Session 1 – Pre-arrival preparation or Pups first week – Helping you to feel thoroughly prepared for your puppies’ arrival and guiding you through the early days that follow:

  • Navigating Night-times
  • Toilet Training
  • Crate or Den Training
  • Daily Routine
  • Puppy-proofing and Integration into the home
  • Children and dogs. Introductions to other animals
  • Equipment required and any other questions that you have

This session can be done effectively via Telephone or Zoom.

Session 2 – Principles of Training and Early-Days Activities for Pup:

  • Proper Socialisation with guided checklist
  • How dogs learn – creating positive associations
  • How to cultivate desired behaviour and use rewards effectively
  • Canine Body Language – what is my dog saying?
  • Common Puppy Issues such as mouthing and jumping-up
  • Appropriate Play
  • Foundation Exercises for recall and loose-lead walking, plus anything that is important to you

Session 3 – The Essentials and how to Progress. Some examples of things that you can learn:

  • Recall
  • Loose-lead walking
  • Settle on the mat, leave it or drop.
  • Scent-work – “Find-it!”
  • Up and Off

Session 4 – Into the Real World

  • Taking your foundation skills on the road
  • A training walk to ensure progress and cover anything else that you and your pup need

Plus, email or telephone support between sessions to help you with any niggles along the way!


A combination of three fun 1.5hr sessions to cover anything you need.

To include sessions 2, 3 and 4 from the Premium Puppy Package, plus email or telephone support along the way.

Helpful if you have had your puppy for a while and don’t need a preparation or settling-in session.


Rescue dogs have often had an uncertain or traumatic background and so require a different approach to training. Because each rescue dog and surrounding set of circumstances is so different, sessions will be tailored specifically to you and your dog so that you can cultivate a safe and trusting relationship with your canine companion.

Session 1 – Pre-arrival preparation or your rescue’s first week – Helping you to feel thoroughly prepared for your dogs arrival and helping your dog to feel at home through the early days that follow:

  • What to expect
  • Decompression and Settling in
  • Canine Body Language – understanding the emotional status of your rescue dog
  • Toilet Training
  • Daily Routine and appropriate activities
  • Introductions to people and other animals
  • Equipment required and any other questions that you have

This session can be done effectively via Telephone or Zoom.

Session 2 – Principles of Training a Rescue Dog

  • The Effects of Stress – how to alleviate it
  • How dogs learn – creating positive associations and building confidence
  • Introducing novel stimuli and equipment without overwhelming your dog
  • How to cultivate desired behaviour and use rewards effectively
  • Common Rescue Issues such as fear of people, noises, dogs, traffic
  • Appropriate Play and Interactive Feeding
  • Foundation Exercises as appropriate, plus anything that is important to you

Session 3 – Into the Real World

  • A Training Walk to make a full assessment of your dog and the progress you are making

Session 4 – Progression

  • A final session to ensure progress and cover anything else that you and your dog need – this could be working on reactivity, recall, loose-lead walking, calm-greetings, jumping-up or anything important to you

Plus, email or telephone support available between sessions to help you along the way.


A combination of three sessions to cover anything you need.

To include sessions 2, 3 and 4 from the Premium Rescue-Dog Package, plus email or telephone support along the way.

Helpful if you have had your rescue-dog for a while and don’t need a preparation or settling-in session.

Pre-Arrival Prep Session – Available in-person, remotely via Zoom or by telephone.

Are you are getting (or thinking about getting!) a puppy or an older dog? Would you like to feel fully prepared? Then why not book a pre-arrival prep session?

We will cover topics such as dietary and exercise requirements, basic training, socialisation and mental stimulation, toilet training, children and dogs, puppy-proofing, integration into the home, general care and any other questions that you might have.

£55 – including an email summary and other helpful info.

Jo is based in Stroud, Gloucestershire. She covers all surrounding areas including Gloucester, Painswick, Stonehouse, Nailsworth, Tetbury, Cirencester, Frampton, Saul, Dursley and more.

Travel is charged at 70p per-mile to cover time and costs.